News for Samson Satele - 2014 Fantasy Football Demo $100 Cap

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Sun Aug 3 201410:50The Dolphins have signed Satele
The Dolphins have signed Satele, the Miami Herald reports.
With Mike Pouncey sidelined indefinitely, look for Satele to emerge as the Dolphins' starting center (over Nate Garner and Shelley Smith) to start the season, and remain in that role until Pouncey returns to action.
Wed Jul 30 201410:43Free agent C Satele still on Dolphins' radar
The Miami Herald reports the Dolphins are still keeping an eye on free agent C Samson Satele.
The Dolphins are trying to convert G Shelley Smith into a center. He's never snapped in his NFL career and is struggling at training camp with bad snaps. Satele is by no means a world beater at the center spot, but he's a veteran and knows protections and can make line calls. Smith is a better fit at guard.
Source: Barry Jackson on Twitter
Sun Jun 29 201412:29Dolphins to work out Samson Satele
The Dolphins will work out free agent C Samson Satele on Monday.
They'll probably sign whoever looks best between Satele and Daryn Colledge. Cut by the Colts in March after a miserable 2013 campaign, Satele was originally a Dolphins draft pick, back in 2007. He'd be a huge downgrade from Mike Pouncey, obviously, but Miami is in a bit of a desperate spot at center already.
Source: Miami Herald
Thu Mar 6 201415:11Colts cut C Satele, clear $1.7M in cap space
Colts released C Samson Satele.
Satele was due $3.9 million in the final season of his three-year contract. The move frees up $1.733 million in cap space for the free-spending Colts. Going on 30, Satele was injury prone and ineffective his two years in Indy. Moving on from Satele is a necessary step as the Colts look to upgrade their dismal run blocking.
Source: Mike Klis on Twitter
Sun Oct 20 201321:14Colts C Samson Satele exits with knee injury
Colts C Samson Satele left Sunday night's Week 7 in the first quarter with a right knee injury.
His return is questionable. Mike McGlynn will move over from right guard to replace Satele, with Jeff Linkenbach entering the starting lineup.
Sun Dec 9 201214:54Satele exits with ankle injury
Colts C Samson Satele left Sunday's Week 14 game against the Titans with an ankle injury.
Satele and the entire Indy offensive line has been abused by the Tennessee defense. Andrew Luck is getting flushed out of the pocket on a regular basis and has been sacked multiple times. A.Q. Shipley started the third quarter at center.
Mon Oct 8 201211:12Samson Satele didn't play Sunday
Colts C Samson Satele (knee) was active for Sunday's win, but played zero snaps.
A.Q. Shipley got the start just six days after being promoted from the practice squad, strongly suggesting Satele was active on just an emergency basis. He remains day-to-day heading into Sunday's tilt against the Jets.
Source: Indianapolis Star
Mon Sep 24 201210:06Samson Satele can't make it through game
Colts C Samson Satele (knee) started Sunday's loss to the Jaguars but lasted just one half.
Satele was "doing more harm than good," according to coach Chuck Pagano. He chose to kick Mike McGlynn to center for the second half and brought in Trai Essex at right guard.
Source: Indianapolis Star
Mon Sep 17 201215:47Colts C Satele's injury not serious
An MRI of Colts C Samson Satele's left knee revealed only "soreness and stiffness."
It's excellent news for the Colts' banged-up line, though not a guarantee Satele will be ready for Sunday's game against the Jaguars. If he's not, RG Mike McGlynn will likely slide back over to center, leaving Trai Essex at right guard.
Source: Mike Chappell on Twitter
Sun Sep 16 201215:56Samson Satele leaves with knee injury
Colts C Samson Satele was forced from Sunday's game against the Vikings with a left knee injury, and did not return.
Satele was deemed "questionable" after departing midway through the first half, but never checked back in. It's awful news for a Colts team that was already without RT Winston Justice and LG Joe Reitz, though Satele appeared to be walking without much of a hitch. RG Mike McGlynn slid over to center in Satele's absence, leaving recently signed veteran Trai Essex at right guard. Satele was nursing a right knee injury heading into Week 2.
Wed Mar 21 201216:29Samson Satele gets $10.8M over 3 years
According to the Associated Press, Colts C Samson Satele's new three-year contract is worth $10.8 million with $5 million guaranteed.
For a player arrested on disorderly conduct charges just days ago, Satele made out pretty well. GM Ryan Grigson made it clear Wednesday that Satele was "the man they wanted to anchor their new line," per the AP. A 27-year-old with 74 career starts, Satele replaces longtime C Jeff Saturday in Indianapolis.
Source: Associated Press
Wed Mar 21 201211:31Colts sign center Samson Satele
Colts signed C Samson Satele, formerly of the Raiders.
This should close the books on Jeff Saturday's 13-year Colts career, as he's drawing interest from the Titans, Packers, and Broncos. Satele has started 74 games over the past five seasons with the Dolphins and Raiders. He struggles against wide-bodied 3-4 nose tackles, but is otherwise a solid run-blocker.
Source: Jim Irsay on Twitter
Sun Mar 18 201208:38Free agent C Satele arrested in Hawaii
Free agent C Samson Satele was arrested in Honolulu, Hawaii on disorderly conduct charges early Saturday morning.
The Raiders' starting center each of the past three seasons, Satele is a Hawaii native. Not expected back in Oakland, Satele graded out as the league's 18th best center in 2011 by Pro Football Focus. Satele has yet to line up a visit in a free agent market unusually ripe with centers, and getting arrested isn't going to help his situation.
Source: Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Thu Mar 1 201217:37Raiders not expected to re-sign Satele
The Raiders are not expected to re-sign free agent C Samson Satele.
Pro Football Focus rated Satele as a top-five run-blocking center in 2011, but the cap-strapped Raiders may view him as a luxury they can't afford. 2011 second-rounder Stefen Wisniewski can be moved back to center if needed.
Source: Vittorio Tafur on Twitter
Mon Nov 21 201111:16Samson Satele sustains concussion
Raiders C Samson Satele sustained a concussion in Sunday's win over the Vikings.
Satele went down in the second quarter and did not return. Stefen Wisniewski moved from left guard to center and Stephon Heyer came off the bench at left guard. The Raiders managed just three points in the second half yesterday.
Source: Contra Costa Times
Wed Aug 3 201108:36Raiders bring back Satele
Raiders re-signed C Samson Satele.
It's a surprise move after the Raiders drafted C Stefen Wisniewski in the second round. In fact, coach Hue Jackson is already on the record saying Wisniewski will start. Satele has started 59 of the Raiders' last 64 games and is coming off perhaps his best season. He can also play guard, giving the Raiders good depth on the interior.
Source: Contra Costa Times
Wed Mar 9 201111:30Satele draws tender from Raiders
Raiders extended a restricted free agent tender to C Samson Satele before last week's deadline.
It's believed the former second-rounder got an original-pick tender. Satele picked up his play down the stretch last season after stumbling early in the season. He's the favorite to start at center, though Hue Jackson's move to a power scheme is concerning for an undersized player like Satele.
Source: CSN Bay Area
Sun Oct 24 201017:53Raiders center Satele out with concussion
Raiders C Samson Satele left Sunday's game in the first half with a concussion.
Left tackle Jared Veldheer, responsible for three penalties but excelling as a blocker, has moved over to center. Mario Henderson has replaced him at tackle.